

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sejarah Bajak Laut bagian ke dua

Bajak Laut Jolly Roger

Bendera Kebesaran Bajak Laut “Jolly Roger” yang sangat terkenal hingga saat ini Barbary Corsair merupakan salah satu bajak laut terkenal dari Afrika Utara yg kerap menyerbu kapal-kapal di daerah Mediterania antara tahun 1520 hingga 1530.

Corsair yang paling terkenal adalah Barbarossa bersaudara dan Occhiali.Karena saking melegandanya kisah bajak laut ini,banyak rumah produksi film menganggkat kisah-kisah perjalanan perompakan mereka,contoh film yang diadaptasi dari kisah mereka adalah Sinbad (teman2 tentunya tau dong film legendaris ini). Lain Corsair lain juga dengan Sea Dogs.Sea Dogs merupakan bajak laut seperti Sir Francis Drake,yang secara rahasia ditugaskan oleh Ratu Elizabeth I untuk menyerang kapal-kapal Spanyol,musuh-musuh mereka di perairan Karibia.
Surat dari Marque yang dikeluarkan oleh Kerajaan memberi restu resmi kepada para penjarah Inggris,sehingga mereka disebut pasukan pribadi (privateer).

Ketika Raja James I menarik surat dari Marque pada tahun 1603,pasukan pribadi digantikan oleh buccaneers yang tidak mengenal hukum dan aturan seperti bajak laut Henry Morgan yang meneror Karibia dari pangkalan-pangkalan di Jamaica seperti Port Royal. Buccaneer berasal dari bahasa Perancis,boucan (memanggang) karena sebagian besar dari mereka adalah pemburu miskin yang memanggang daging sapi dan babi hasil rampokan mereka. Perompakan mencapai kejayaannya antara tahun 1690 hingga 1720, disaat sedang ramai-ramainya pelayaran kapal2 dagang antara Eropa dan koloni-koloninya diseluruh dunia.

Di Samudera Hindia terdapat Bajak Laut seperti William Kidd dari Madagaskar. Di perairan Bahama,terdapat “calico Jack” Racham dan para Bajak Laut Wanita, seperti Anne Bonny dan Mary Read.

Ilustrasi kepala tanpa badan milik Si Janggut Hitam digelantungkan pada layar kapal bajak lautnya Bajak Laut yang paling terkenal kejahatan dan kesadisannya sepanjang masa adalah “Blackbeard” atau Si Janggut Hitam (nama aslinya Edward Teach),yang selalu muncul dengan gaya khasnya,yaitu kembang api menyala yang terikat pada jenggot hitamnya yang lebat. Kematian Bajak Laut ini sangatlah tragis,kepala tanpa badannya digelantungkan diatas layar kapal kebesarannya,setelah ia beserta para pengikut-pengiktnya kalah dan terbunuh dalam pertempuran hebat melawan armada Laut Inggris. Aktifitas Bajak Laut sendiri mulai berkurang setelah tahun-tahun 1720, ketika pada era-era itu Angakatan Laut Inggris meyebar keseluruh Dunia.

Bajak laut Olivier Levasseur

Olivier Levasseur (Calais, 1680 atau 1690 - Réunion, 7 Juli 1730), adalah seorang perompak, nama samaran nya adalah La Buse atau La Bouche (The Buzzard) di awal hari, sehingga disebut karena dengan kecepatan yang dia mengejar musuh nya.

Nama nya pertama kali muncul di 1716, saat ia bergabung dengan Benyamin Hornigold perompak perusahaan. Levasseur pendaki adalah baik. Dia mempunyai parut di satu mata, ia melihat membatasi.

Setelah setahun yang sukses looting, Hornigold pihak yang terbelah, dengan Levasseur ia memutuskan untuk mencoba keberuntungan di pantai Afrika Barat. Pada 1719 ia bersama dioperasikan dengan Howell Davis dan Thomas Cocklyn untuk jangka waktu. Pada 1720, dia terdampar di Laut Merah dan terdampar di pulau Mayotte, salah satu Comores. Mata-Nya telah dirusak oleh sekarang sepenuhnya, dan ia memutuskan untuk memakai sebuah eyepatch.

Dari 1721 dan seterusnya ia berkomitmen ia raids dari dasar di Pulau Saint Mary, di bagian pantai Madagaskar. Nya terbesar adalah keberhasilan menaklukkan Portugis dari kapal Nossa Senhora melakukan Cabo (The Virgin dari Cape), yang penuh dengan emas, sama dengan Luizetto Bahasa Inggris pembajak.Dia akhirnya ditangkap dan hanged untuk pembajakan di pulau Bourbon (Réunion hari ini) pada tanggal 7 Juli 1730) 17h00.

Abjad dari Olivier Levasseur

Legenda memberitahukan bahwa ketika ia berdiri di panggung dia memiliki kalung itu sekitar leher, yang berisi tulisan rahasia dari 12 baris, dan ini akan membawa dalam keramaian sementara exclaiming: "Temukan harta saya, dia yang memahaminya!" Apa yang menjadi kalung ini tidak diketahui: sampai saat ini, banyak harta pemburu telah mencari harta itu hebat, diperkirakan bernilai manapun dari beberapa juta euro menjadi 100 juta pound Inggris (2005).

Tempat Olivier Levasseur di Hukum mati,sebelum dia di hukum mati dia melemparkan kalung peta yang ke orang banyak sambil mengatakan: "Find my treasure, he who may understand it!"

Pada tahun 1923 yang Mrs Savoy ditemukan beberapa dokumen, menjelaskan Levasseur's harta di selatan pulau dari grup Seychelles. dalam satu dokumen ada beberapa koordinat, dan teks dalam alfabet misterius. Pada Bel Ombre pantai di Pulau Mahe, batu yang ditemukan, dengan ukiran anjing, ular, tortoises, kuda, sebuah kotak suara, sebuah gambaran tentang wanita muda, dan kepala seorang laki-laki. Setelah beberapa excavations mereka menemukan dua coffins tetap berisi dua orang, hah dikenalpasti sebagai cincin emas oleh mereka di telinga kiri, tetapi tidak harta ditemukan di lokasi ini.

Tulisan rahasia yang jauh lebih sulit untuk memecahkan daripada dia beriman. Deciphering dapat dilakukan hanya dengan mulai dari Clavicles Sulaiman, dua huruf, dan dokumen yang akan dikompilasi di rebus atau setidaknya dalam peresmian menulis yang dapat diletakkan dalam kaitannya dengan dgn perkumpulan rahasia simbolisme. Dokumen ini secara eksplisit affirmed adanya harta setempat di sebuah pulau di Samudra Hindia.

Namun nama pulau ini tidak disebutkan di mana saja.Pada 1947 Inggris Reginald Cruise-Wilkins, teman Mrs Savoy, belajar dan menemukan masalah yang berkaitan dengan tenaga kerja dua belas Hercules. Berbagai tugas, mewakili o Perbaikan Hercules, harus dilakukan dalam rangka ketat. Harta tersebut adalah suatu ruang bawah tanah dan harus didekati dengan hati-hati, untuk menghindari yang terendam air. Tersebut dilindungi oleh arus, yang memerlukan Damming untuk terus mereka kembali, dan untuk didekati dari utara. Akses melalui ke dalam ruang tempat tangga memotong batu-batu, dan terowongan terkemuka di bawah pantai. Sampai 1970 ia dicari dan lubang di pulau Mahe.

Dalam sebuah gua, kecuali untuk ngga lama, beberapa uang logam, dan perompak sarcophagi, dia tidak menemukan apa-apa. Dia meninggal pada tahun 1977 sebelum dia ada unsur yang terakhir sepotong kode.

Persamaan bajak laut zaman Olivier Levasseur dengan Cerita Komik One Piece

William Kidd (Captain Kid)
Henry Morgan (Captain Morgan)
Francis Drake (X. Drake)
Edward Teach (Marshall D. Teach, Thatch sama Edward Newgate)
Francois l'Ollonais (Roronoa Zoro)
Hayreddin Barbarossa (lady barbarossa)
Samuel Bellamy (Bellamy the Hyena)
John Hawkins (Basil Hawkins)
Bartolomeo Português (Portgas D. Ace)
Samuel Burgess (Jesus Burgess)
Bartholomew Roberts (Batholomew Kuma)
John Auger (Van Auger)
Jean Lafitte (Lafitte)
Woodes Rogers (Gol D. Roger)
Awilda (Alvida)
Anne Bonny (Jewelry Bonney)
Calico Jack {jack The Brooke)

William Kidd

Masa = 1645-1701
Aktif = 1695-1699
Kebangsaan = Skontlandia

Jenis bajak laut yg sampai sekarang masih kontroversi,,banyak sejarawan yg memperdebatkan tentang keabsahan dari trial dan eksekusi terhadapnya yg dlakukan oleh parlemen terhadapnya karena banyak anggapan klo dy adalah privateer/corsario,,ada jg rumor yg menyatakan klo dy menguburkan harta2 selama dy jd bajak laut utk menaikkan popularitas dy sebagai bajak laut yg terkenal,,Kidd terkenal dlm perang Grand Alliance dgn mengalahkan musuh privateer kala itu sehingga dhadiahkan 150 dolar,,setahun kemudian first matenya Robert Culliford mencuri kapalnya dan mengkhianatinya bersama seluruh krunya yg lain, tetapi 8 thn kmudian kidd memaafkan kesalahan yg dbuat oleh Culliford,,

Nama Kidd semakin terkenal setelah dy mendapat order dr Bellomont,,governor New York, Massachusetts, dan New Hampshire utk menyerang Thomas Tew, John Ireland, Thomas Wake, William Maze, dan semua bajak laut yg menganggu kapal dagang perancis,,atas dukungan dari para noble lord seperti Earl of Orford,,Duke of Shrewsbury dan Sir John Somers,,akhirnya kidd mendapat letter of marque yg dtanda tanganin lsg oleh King William III,,perjalanan pjgnya sebagai seorang bajak laut pemerintah ternyata tdk semanis cerita2 awalnya sehingga kidd penuh dgn tekanan akibat kegagalan2nya menangkap para bajak laut dan bahkan rumor beredar dkalangan pemerintah inggris bahwa kidd telah melakukan banyak perbuatan biadab,,seperti membunuh crewmatenya sendiri,,menyiksa budak2 dan menjarah kapal2 dagang,,dan kontroversi cerita ttg penjarahan Quedah Merchant yg akhirnya mendorong statusnya berubah dari corsario/privateer menjadi wanted man,,tanpa pembelaan yg berarti akhirnya kidd di eksekusi setelah kembali dari perjalanannya.

Admiral Sir Henry John Morgan

masa = 1635-1688
aktif = 1663-1674
kebangsaan = Wales

seorang privateer/corsario yg kemudian ketika pensiunnya menjadi letnan gubernur jamaika,,masa kecilnya tdk banyak dketahui tetapi dy mengenyam pendidikan militer yg sangat ketat,,kemudian ketika dy hijarah ke jamaika disitulah kebetungannya dmulai,,atas bantuan pamannya Edward Morgan,,seorang letnan gubernur jamaika dy mulai menjadi seorang privateer,,setelah dy ikut dlm banyak ekspedisi beberapa pelaut terkenal seperti John Morris dan Christopher Myngs,,karirnya makin melejit dgn kemampuan dy mengamankan jalur perdagangan dsekitar perairan karibia (puerto rico,,kuba,,panama dan venezuela) kehebatannya yg sangat terkenal saat dy merebut Santa Catalina dgn menghancurkan benteng san lorenzo,,mengalahkan lebih 300 org.. karirnya terhenti ketika dy membakar habis panama menyebabkan rusaknya perdamaian antara inggris dgn spanyol,

Sir Francis Drake

masa = 1540-1596
aktif = 1563-1596
kebangsaan = England

dikenal sebagai pahlawan di england tetapi dianggap sebagai bajak laut di spanyol,,mendapat gelar "El Draque" dan menduduki jabatan tertinggi sebagai vice admiral (org kedua dlm british navy ktika menghadapi armada spanyol),,pertama kali berlayar ke new world bersama sepupunya Sir John Hawkins,,tetapi terjebaknya dSan Juan de Ulua oleh armada spanyol membuatnya membenci dan ingin membalas perlakuan mereka, pengalamannya yg hebat dlm melawan armada spanyol membuat Queen Elizabeth terkesan dan memerintahkannya melakukan serangkaian ekspedisi dpasifik,,serangkaian sukses dgapainya sekitar perairan lima,,manila,,dll dgn merebut kapal2 dagang spanyol menyebabkan spanyol krisis ekonomi sehingga kemudian menginvasi portugal pd thn 1580,,drake jg bahkan pernah sampai ke perairan timur indonesia... kegemilangannya membuatnya ikut serta dlm pertempuran melawan armada spanyol pd tahun 1585 sbg seorang vice admiral,,stlh kemenangan besar atas armada spanyol,,sang ratu memerintahkan tiga misi kepadanya..menghancurkan sisa2 kapal spanyol,,turut serta dlm pemberontakan di portugal terhdp king of philip(raja spanyol) dan terakhir merebut Azores,,serangannya ke la coruna berhasil tetapi menimbulkan kerugian yg besar yaitu 12,000 nyawa dan 20 kapal.. dan kmudian nasib buruk mulai menimpanya dgn beberapa kekalahan beruntun dari armada spanyol seperti di puerto rico,,meninggal karena disentri 1596 dpanama..

Edward Teach

Blackbeard was a notorious English pirate who had a short reign of terror in the Caribbean Sea between 1716 and 1718. Born in Bristol, his name was given to him because of his thick, long and scruffy black beard (another reference claimed he failed to grow it to a great length, however it came up to his eyes across his face). He was also said to be incredibly cruel to his own crew, more so then the people he held captive. His career as a pirate was made famous by the book A general history of the robberies & murders of the most notorious Pirates, which contained detailed accounts of his actions at sea.

Blackbeard spent most of the first better part of his seafaring life being commanded rather then commanding. He began as an apprentice pirate on board Captain Benjamin Hornigold's Brigantine Ranger (alongside fellow pirate Samuel Bellamy), until 1716 when he was put in command of a sloop by Hornigold. The two had parted ways after Hornigold allowed him to take a Guinea-man for a cruise, he would later name her the Queen Anne's Revenge and she would become the most famous ship Teach would be captain of. Blackbeard's motives for burning ships of New England he attacked and plundered was often rooted (amongst other reasons) as revenge against places where pirates were often hung.

Francois l'Ollonais

masa = 1635-1668
aktif = 1660-1668
kebangsaan = Perancis

Seorang bajak laut yg terkenal bukan hanya sadis tetapi jg brutal dan sesuai dgn julukannya yaitu "Flail of the Spaniards", dy seorang buccaner yg aktif dkepulauan karibia, awalnya dy hanya seorang pesuruh (servant), setelah perjanjiannya seselai pd thn 1650 di martinique, dy mulai merasakan kebebasannya dan ikut serta dlm rombongan kapal menuju haiti sampai kemudian dy memulai karirnya sebagai bajak laut dtortuga...gubernur tortuga sendiri yg seorang bajak laut memberikan kapal kepadanya utk memulai karirnya,,kehebatannya yg plg mencolok adalah ketika dy bisa lolos dari kepungan armada spanyol dtengah badai dan bahkan mencuri canon kapal tersebut,,dy jg turut serta membuat kekacauan dgn temennya Michel de Basco dwilayah lake Maracaibo dan Gibraltar,,dgn menguasai dua daerah tersebut dy melakukan tindakan semena2 kepada penduduk2 ddaerah itu,,perkosaan,,perampasan dan pembunuhan adalah hal biasa dan sering terjadi pd masa kependudukannya,,ketika dy hendak kembali ke tortuga dy jg menyerang dan menguasai daerah sekitar lake Nicaragua dan melakukan hal yg sama. nasib buruk mulai menghinggapinya setelah penguasaannya atas Puerto Caballos dan San pedro membuat armada spanyol yg besar mampu mendeteksinya dan mulai mengepung 6 kapal dan 700 lebih anak buahnya,,,usaha pelariannya berhasil hingga ia tiba di nikaragua,,tetapi kemudian dsekitar Gulf of Darien dy tertangkap oleh para penduduk indian (kanibal) setempat,,ada yg mengatakan dy dbelah2/dpotong2 dan kemudian memakan tubuhnya beramai2...sungguh akhir yg ironi dari seorang yg brutal..

Hayreddin Barbarossa

masa = 1478-1546
aktif = 1504-1545
kebangsaan = Turki

dulunya dy seorang bajak laut yg ganas bersama keempat saudaranya...Ishak,,Oruc,,(beroperasi dwilayah levant) dan Ilyas (di wilayah Mytilene),,keberhasilannya mengalahkan kesatria st. john dan pembebasan aljazair dgn mengusir Abu Hamo Musa III dan tentara2 spanyol sampai ke pulau Peñón,,tindakannya ini membuat Charles V, raja spanyol dan penguasa holy roman menyerang daerahnya,,dan ini membuat namanya terkenal.. setelah sultan aljazair (abangnya) memutuskan bergabung dgn kekaisaran ottoman...lalu dy pun kemudian menjadi admiral.. namanya dulu adalah Hizir (beroperasi dwilayah laut agean),,kemudian ketika abangnya mati dlm pertempuran dgn spanyol maka dy danugerahi nama kebesaran dgn nama abangnya..

Samuel Bellamy

(c.February 23, 1689 – April 27, 1717), aka "Black Sam" Bellamy, was a formidable pirate in the early eighteenth century. Though his career as a pirate captain lasted less than a year, Bellamy and his crew captured more than 50 ships before his death at age 28. Called "Black Sam" because he eschewed the fashionable powdered wig in favor of tying back his long black hair with a simple band, Bellamy became known for his mercy and generosity toward those he captured on his raids. This reputation gained him the second nickname of the "Prince of Pirates," and his crew called themselves "Robin Hood's Band."

Born in the parish of Hittisleigh in Devonshire, Bellamy was the youngest of six known children born to Stephen and Elizabeth Bellamy. Elizabeth died in childbirth and was buried on February 23, 1689, three weeks before Samuel's baptism on March 18. Bellamy became a sailor at a young age and traveled to Cape Cod, where he took up residence with a local girl named Maria Hallett. He soon left Cape Cod to support Hallett by salvaging treasure from ships sunk off the coast of Florida, accompanied by his friend and financier Paul Williams. The treasure hunters apparently met with little success, as they soon turned to piracy in the crew of pirate captain Benjamin Hornigold, who commanded the Mary Anne (or Marianne) with his fellow pirate captain Edward "Blackbeard" Teach.

In the summer of 1716, Hornigold was deposed as captain of the Mary Anne and Bellamy took his place. Upon capturing a second ship, the Sultana, Bellamy assigned his friend Paul Williams as captain of the Mary Anne and made the Sultana his flagship. However, Bellamy's greatest capture was to come in the spring of 1717, when he and his crew chased down and boarded the Whydah Gally. The Whydah, a 300-ton slave ship, had just finished the second leg of the Atlantic slave trade and was loaded with a fortune in gold and precious trade goods. True to his reputation for generosity, Bellamy gave the Sultana to the captain of the captured Whydah, and, outfitting his new flagship as a 28-gun raiding vessel, set sail northwards along the eastern coast of New England.

If Bellamy's intention in sailing northwards was to meet again with his lover Maria Hallett, or for some other reason, he never accomplished his goal. The Whydah was swept up in a violent storm near Wellfleet, Massachusetts and driven on to a sandbar where it quickly sank, taking Bellamy and most of his 146-man crew with her. Contemporary accounts relate that only nine men escaped the shipwreck with their lives (two from the Whydah and seven from the other vessels in Bellamy's fleet). Of these survivors, seven were captured and prosecuted for piracy in Boston, six of them being subsequently executed.[1] The seventh, an Indian, was sold into slavery.

John Hawkins

Admiral Sir John Hawkins (also spelled as John Hawkyns) (Plymouth 1532 – November 12, 1595) was an English shipbuilder, naval administrator and commander, merchant, navigator, and slave trader. As treasurer (1577) and controller (1589) of the navy, he rebuilt older ships and helped design the faster ships that withstood the Spanish Armada in 1588. He later devised the naval blockade to intercept Spanish treasure ships. One of the foremost seamen of 16th-century England, he was the chief architect of the Elizabethan navy. In the great battle in which the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588, Hawkins served as a vice admiral. He was knighted for gallantry.

William, John's father, was a confidant of Henry VIII of England and one of the principal sea captains of England.

The first Englishman recorded to have taken slaves from Africa was John Lok, a London trader who, in 1555, brought to England five slaves from Guinea. A second London trader taking slaves at that time was William Towerson whose fleet sailed into Plymouth following his 1556 voyage to Africa and from Plymouth on his 1557 voyage. Despite the exploits of Lok and Towerson, John Hawkins of Plymouth is widely acknowledged to be the pioneer of the English slave trade, because he was the first to run the Triangular trade, making a profit at every stop.

Bartolomeu Português

Bartolomeu Português (16??-16??) was a Portuguese buccaneer who attacked Spanish shipping in the late 1660s; he also established one of the earliest sets of rules popularly known in pirate lore as "the pirates' code", later used by the pirates of the seventeenth century such as John Philips, Edward Low, and Bartholomew Roberts.

Arriving in the Caribbean sometime in the early 1660s, as did many others during the decade, Português operated off Campeche from 1666 to 1669. He later captured a larger Spanish ship with his ship of four guns and a crew of thirty, off Cuba, after two assaults with over half his crew killed or wounded. With a total of 70,000 pieces of eight and a large cargo of cacao beans, Português attempted to sail towards Jamaica; however, due to strong winds, they were unable to return to Port Royal - instead sailing for western Cuba.

As the ship reached Cape San Antonio, they were captured by three Spanish warships who seized their cargo. After a violent storm, Português was forced to sail towards Campeche where he was later recognized and captured by authorities. Held prisoner on a Spanish ship, he attempted to escape by stabbing the sentry with a stolen knife, and because he supposedly could not swim, he used wine jars as floaters to swim to shore.

Traveling through over 120 miles of jungle, Português arrived at El Golfo Triste in eastern Yucatan and found a ship to take him back to Port Royal. Returning to Campeche with 20 men, Português captured the ship in which he had been held prisoner and sailed off with a valuable amount of cargo. The ship soon ran aground near Isle of Pines off the southern coast of Cuba, losing the entire cargo. With his remaining crew, Português returned to Port Royal before setting out once again. However, nothing more is recorded of Português after this, as Alexander Exquemelin wrote in Buccaneers of America, he “made many violent attacks on the Spaniards without gaining much profit from marauding, for I saw him dying in the greatest wretchedness in the world.”

Samuel Burgess

Captain Samuel Burgess was a member of Captain William Kidd's crew in 1690 when the Blessed William was seized. In 1693, Edward Coates became captain and the former Captain Burgess left the ship and went to New York. He arrived in April, bought a house and took on a job with Frederick Phillips, New York's wealthiest merchant. Over the next few years Burgess made many profitable voyages to Madagascar selling supplies and guns to pirates in exchange for gold and slaves.

Around September 1699, Burgess was in command of the Margaret. Near Saint Mary's Island he ran into a British fleet and was offered a pardon for any piratical activities. Several of Burgess' crew accepted and bought passage home with the fleet. Burgess sailed to Cape Town, South Africa, by December he reached his destination. Captain Lowth of the East India Company, seized Burgess' ship and took it to Bombay. Lowth also took its treasure and slaves. The owners of the Margaret brought suit against the East India Company and Burgess was taken to London in 1701 and accused of piracy. With Captain Robert Culliford's testimony, Burgess was convicted. Eventually he secured a pardon for his crimes and signed aboard a privateer, sailing for the Pacific.

Burgess then became first mate aboard the Neptune and went to Madagascar to trade liquor for slaves. When a sudden storm wrecked the pirates' ships, Burgess helped John Halsey seize the Neptune. Burgess was made Quartermaster but lost it soon after when Captain Halsey died. After losing his position, Burgess stayed at Madagascar, dealing in slaves with David Williams. Following an argument concerning prizes with a black chief, Burgess died of poison, presumably at the chief's hand.

Bartholomew Roberts

Bartholomew Roberts, born John Robert (May 17, 1682 - February 10, 1722), also known as Black Bart (Welsh: Barti Ddu), was a Welsh pirate who raided shipping off the Americas and West Africa between 1719 and 1722. He was the most successful pirate of the golden age of piracy, capturing far more ships than some of the best-known pirates of this era such as Blackbeard or Captain Kidd. He is estimated to have captured over 470 vessels.

John Auger

John Auger was a pirate and was amongst many pardoned by a man called Woodes Rogers. However after being pardon of all his crimes he returned to piracy where he was hunted down by the former pirate turned pirate hunter Benjamin Hornigold. He was later hung.

Jean Lafitte

Jean Lafitte (ca. 1776 - ca. 1826) was a pirate and privateer in the Gulf of Mexico in the early 19th century. He often spelled his name Jean Laffite. Lafitte is believed to have been born either in France or the French colony of Saint-Domingue. By 1805 he operated a warehouse in New Orleans to help disperse the goods smuggled by his brother Pierre Lafitte. After the United States government passed the Embargo Act of 1807 the Lafittes moved their operations to an island in Barataria Bay. By 1810, their new port was very successful.

Woodes Rogers

(ca. 1679 – 16 July 1732, Nassau, Bahamas), was an English privateer and later the first royal governor of the Bahamas. While at Cabo San Lucas in Baja California Sur, Mexico, between November 1709 and January 1710, he succeeded in capturing the rich prize of a Manila galleon. Accounts by Rogers himself and by Rogers' fellow-captain Edward Cooke, written after the return to England, provided valuable ethnographic information on cape's Pericú Indians.

Rogers was officially appointed "Captain - General and Governor in Chief in and over the Bahama Islands" by King George I of Great Britain on 6 February 1718. He played a major role in suppressing pirates in the Caribbean when he killed or drove out the pirates of the Bahamas and ousted Edward Teach (Blackbeard) from position as Magistrate of the "Privateers Republic". After he became governor in 1717, he offered the "King's Pardon", which gave amnesty to most of the pirates in the isles. The most notorious and powerful pirates were not granted the amnesty, and were hunted down and killed.

It was Woodes Rogers who rescued stranded Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk from Más a Tierra Island off the coast of Chile, the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's classic novel "Robinson Crusoe", (Little, Brian c1960).

Woodes Rogers had a house in Queen Square, Bristol, which in the 18th Century was a popular address among the Merchant class. The house no longer exists but there is a plaque on a modern building occupying the site where his house once stood.


Awilda was the daughter of a 5th century Scandinavian king, who had arranged a marriage for her to Alf, the crown prince of Denmark. However, Awilda obstinately refused her father's choice. She and some of her female friends dressed like sailors and commandeered a ship, taking it into the Baltic as a way of escape.

While sailing, they came across a pirate ship that had recently lost its captain. The girls must have held up valiantly, for four days later, the pirates voted Awilda captain.

The pirates had great success and were eventually noticed by most of Scandinavia. The King of Denmark sent his son and his finest men to battle with the irksome pirates. Prince Alf and his men were able to board their ship and gain the upper hand in the battle. Apparently, Awilda was so impressed with the prince's courage that she stopped the battle, revealed her true identity, and agreed to marry Alf.

Anne Bonny

Anne Bonny (March 8, 1700 – possibly April 25, 1782) was an Irish American pirate who plied her trade in the Caribbean. Much of what is known about Anne Bonny is based on Captain Charles Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates. Official records and contemporary letters dealing with her life are scarce. Various sources disagree about her birth year, but according to descendants she was born in 1698.[2] John Carlova in his book Mistress of The Seas, gives Anne's birthdate as 8 March 1700.

Born in County Cork, Ireland, Anne Bonny was a daughter of attorney William Cormac and his maidservant. Her mother was named either Mary or Peg Brennan. When the affair became public, Cormac, with his new wife and newborn child, left Ireland for Charleston, South Carolina, where he made a fortune and bought a large plantation.

Calico Jack

John Rackham (died 17 November 1720), also known as Calico Jack Rackham or Calico Jack, was an English pirate captain during the early 18th century. His nickname was derived from the colourful calico (a kind of fabric from Calicut) clothes he wore. John Rackham is remembered for employing two of the most notorious female pirates of his time – Anne Bonny and Mary Read – in his crew. John Rackham and most of his crew were executed in Jamaica on 17 November 1720.

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